Can Dogs Drink Sparkling Water? [Carbonated Water Risks]

On a hot and sunny day, it’s a nice treat to relax in the yard and sip on a tall glass of carbonated water, with ice and some lemons.

Then your pooch comes out to join you and you wonder to yourself, is carbonated water safe for dogs? Can dogs drink sparkling water? The short answer is yes, dogs can drink sparkling water, but it should be plain sparkling water that’s free from ingredients that are harmful to dogs. Even then, sparkling water should only be given to dogs if fresh flat water is not available.

Read on to discover the possible health benefits of sparkling water for dogs, what risks carbonated water poses to dogs, and what amount of sparkling water you can give a dog.

Can Dogs Drink Sparkling Water? Is Carbonated Water Safe For Dogs?

There are no ingredients in plain sparkling water that are toxic to dogs. This means dogs can drink sparkling water and it’s safe for them.

Carbonated water is simply water that either naturally contains carbon dioxide (CO2), or has had carbon dioxide infused into it.

While plain sparkling water is safe for your pet pooch, a dog has no inherent need for fizzy water. Fresh plain flat water is all your dog needs. Plain water is your dog’s natural preference and it’s the recommended way to hydrate your dog.

Some types of sparkling water will not be safe for your dog to drink. These will typically be flavored sparkling waters. This is because flavored carbonated water will often contain ingredients that are harmful for your dog. For example, they will often contain added sugar, or xylitol which is deadly to dogs, among other harmful ingredients.

Even if a sparkling water states that it’s completely plain and natural with no added ingredients, it’s important you read the ingredient label to ensure it’s completely plain.

Is Sparkling Water Good For Dogs? Health Benefits Of Sparkling Water For Dogs

No research has been done into whether sparkling water has any health benefits for canines. 

With that said, there are a lot of people who say that carbonated drinks can help people who are sick or have a bad stomach. And in the same vein of thought, there are some individuals who claim that sparkling or carbonated water has the same effect on dogs if given to them in small amounts. 

While plain sparkling water is not harmful to dogs, there would be few, if any, veterinarians who recommend giving your dog sparkling water to drink.

Is Sparkling Water Bad For Dogs? Dangers Of Letting Dogs Drink Sparkling Water

Plain sparkling water with no added ingredients is non-toxic to dogs and there are no inherent risks in letting your pooch drink it. But as already mentioned, plain flat water is the best and most natural way to hydrate your pet.

If you do decide to give your dog fizzy water, then you should be mindful of the following safety points.

Sparkling Water May Bloat Your Dog

When your dog consumes carbonated water, the most typical health problem is bloating. When we humans drink carbonated water, we also drinking carbon dioxide. In humans, most of this carbon dioxide is expelled via burping, before it reaches our stomach.

In dogs, the carbon dioxide is flowing straight to the stomach since they don’t burp as frequently as people do. A dog’s stomach might get bloated as a result of this carbon dioxide, which is a broad term for two gastrointestinal illnesses.

Gastric Dilatation In Dogs

Dogs who have a condition called gastric dilatation (GD) have a lot of gas in their stomachs. Although it eventually subsides, the dog will experience discomfort when bloated. A swollen belly, vomiting, and visible indicators of discomfort and pain are all common symptoms of this condition.

Dogs that are older, overweight, and large breeds are the most susceptible to gastric dilatation.

Gastric Dilation-Volvulus In Dogs

There is also gastric dilation-volvulus, which is the second type of bloating (GDV). This happens when a dog’s stomach is full of gas and twists back on itself. The gas-filled stomach blocks blood flow, resulting in a shock to the body. 

By pumping the stomach, the dilation of the stomach may be alleviated, but the twisting of the stomach need surgery to fix it. If you don’t get your dog urgent help, GDV can be fatal.

Sparkling Water May Contribute To Tooth Decay In Dogs

Some kinds of carbonated water include flavoring ingredients that might be harmful to a dog’s teeth, such as citric acid. Further, some types of fizzy water contain added sugars, this again can contribute to canine tooth decay.

It’s recommended that keep flavored sparkling water away from your dog.

Can Sparkling Water Kill A Dog?

There are no recorded instances of sparkling water killing a dog, and plain sparkling water doesn’t contain ingredients toxic to dogs.

However, that doesn’t mean letting your dog drink sparkling water is free from risks.

Bloat In Dogs Can Be Fatal

Bloating may pose major issues in particular breeds of dogs. It may even be fatal to large breed dogs. These are often known as deep chested dogs.

Gastric dilation-volvulus is a type of abnormal bloat and stomach bulge in dogs. As the stomach grows, it begins to spin on its axis, resulting in a twisted stomach. The issue occurs in phases. First, as the name implies, the dog’s stomach becomes unnaturally large.

It spills fluids, food, or gas. Rotation of the stomach begins once the distension of the stomach reaches a certain threshold.

Because the stomach is twisted, the small intestine outlet gets restricted.

Because of the obstruction, more fluid and gas accumulates. The stomach is already abnormally bloated, cutting off its blood supply.

Carbonated can contribute to bloat in dogs, and it’s not advisable to give your dog fizzy water if plain flat water is available.

Can Dogs Drink La Croix And Similar Fizzy Water?

It is not advisable to let dogs drink La Croix.

The ingredients list on a La Croix can or bottle states “carbonated water and natural flavor”. While the carbonated water is safe for dogs, the “natural flavor” is less clear and could possibly include substances that are harmful for dogs.

Further, some flavors of La Croix are obviously harmful to dogs, such as ‘coffee exotica’ 

Plain, fresh, flat water is your dog’s natural choice and is the most nourishing and enriching way to hydrate your dog.

Can Dogs Drink Perrier Water And Similar Fizzy Water?

Perrier water is not recommended for dogs to drink.

Mineral water, carbon dioxide, and natural flavors are listed as ingredients on Perrier cans and bottles. However, although the carbonated water is harmless for dogs, the “natural flavors” may include substances that are dangerous to dogs.

Dogs should be given plain, fresh, flat water to drink. It’s their natural choice and is the best way to keep them hydrated.

Can Dogs Drink Lemon Sparkling Water?

If the lemon sparkling water ingredients are “water, carbon dioxide, lemon juice”, then a dog could safely drink that lemon sparkling water as it would contain no ingredients toxic to dogs.

However, the reality is that most flavored carbonated water contains ingredients that are harmful to dogs. These ingredients can include sugar, sodium and artificial sweeteners. Because of this, lemon sparkling water, and other flavored sparkling waters should not be given to dogs.

The very best drink for dogs is plain, fresh flat water.

Can I Give My Dog Hint Water?

Few veterinarians if any, would suggest giving your dog Hint water to drink

The ingredients list for Still Hint Water is; “Purified water, natural flavors”.

The ingredients list for Sparkling Hint Water is; “Carbonated water, natural flavors”.

Dogs can drink the carbonated and the purified water because they are non-toxic to dogs. However, the term “natural flavors” is ambiguous and may include dangerous ingredients for dogs.

Dogs should be given fresh plain flat water to drink.

What Happens If My Dog Drinks Sparkling Water?

If your dog drinks sparkling water, it’s unlikely that they will experience harmful effects. However, just because plain sparkling water is not inherently toxic to dogs, it doesn’t mean it should be given to dogs. 

Keep in mind in mind that letting your dog drink carbonated or fizzy water could result in abnormal bloating in your dog called Gastric dilation-volvulus. This is rare but does happen, and large breed dogs are the most at risk of this.

Gastric dilation-volvulus is a type of abnormal bloat and stomach bulge in dogs. As the name implies, the dog’s stomach becomes unnaturally large. As the stomach grows, it begins to spin on its axis, resulting in a twisted stomach. Because the stomach is twisted, the small intestine outlet gets restricted, and more fluid and gas accumulate.

Gastric dilation-volvulus can escalate quickly and can be fatal for dogs. 

Plain fresh flat water is your dog’s natural choice and that is what you should give your dog.

Is Flavored Sparkling Water Good For Dogs?

Flavored sparkling water will almost never be good for dogs. This is because flavored carbonated water will almost always have added sugar, salt or additives. Adding extra salt or sugar to a dog’s drink is a bad idea.

Xylitol, for example, is included in several diet sodas and other fizzy beverages. Xylitol is highly toxic to dogs and may cause liver damage, interfere with blood clotting, and reduce blood sugar levels in dogs.

To put it simply, the more flavors in the water, the more unhealthy it is for your dog.

Can Dogs Have Flavored Sparkling Water?

It’s not advisable to give a dog flavored sparkling water. Fresh plain flat water is always the best choice for your dog and is their natural preference.

But why is it not advisable to give a dog flavored sparkling water? Because most flavored sparkling water contains sugar, salt, or artificial ingredients. You should never add more salt or sugar to a canine’s water.

The sugar substitute xylitol is found in a number of diet sodas and other carbonated drinks. In dogs, xylitol may induce liver damage, blood clotting problems, and lower blood sugar levels.

To put it another way, the more flavors there are in the water, the worse it is for your dog’s health.

Can Sparkling Water Hurt Dogs?

If the sparkling water is plain with absolutely no added ingredients, then it won’t hurt dogs. This is because plain sparkling water is just water with carbon dioxide infused into it. The carbon dioxide compound is not toxic to dogs.

However, sparkling water can hurt dogs on the basis that carbonated water can cause bloat in dogs. For large breed dogs, older dogs and overweight dogs in particular, it can cause two very serious type of bloat known as gastric dilation and gastric dilation-volvulus.

Gastric dilation can cause a lot of pain and stomach discomfort in dogs, but is unlikely to result in a medical emergency. While gastric dilation-volvulus can be very serious and result in death of the dog doesn’t get urgent medical help.

Your dog’s natural inclination is for clean, fresh, flat water, which is always the best option for them.

Can Dogs Drink Sparkling Water? – A Summary

After reading this article you’ll know the answer to the question; can dogs drink sparkling water? The answer is yes, dogs can drink sparkling water if it’s plain sparkling water completely free from added ingredients and substances known to harm dogs.

However, dogs have no need of any kind for sparkling or carbonated water. There’s no reason to give fizzy water to dog is clean flat water is available. A dog’s natural choice of drink is plain fresh flat water, and that is what they should be given.